
In my ear: Jay-Z

FUCK Fashion Week!!!!! Fuck Tennis!!!!! and good job JETER!....BUT!!! Jay-Z just beat my expectation of anything in life. His 9-11 Concert at MSG NYC was possibly the best experience of anybody's life. Wether you watched it live or on the commercial free broadcast on FUSE... this was possibly the best concert ever put on. Special guests from John Mayer to Mary J. And please do not forget the star of the show... The Celebration of Life. Eight years ago I remember waking up to a phone call from my mother. She was expressing a sense of concern I never heard from her before. She cried: "Call your father; New York is under attack, he is in the World Trade Center."
As it turns out, my father was in one of the towers. He explained later that; as he left the train platform; sirens were screaming and police officers were revealing themselves from holes in the wall. Moving forward; my father exited the building in a rush, only to find a mess outside the building. As he fled from the chaos, a loud sound ambushed his senses.It was the sound of the second plane flying over head and destroying the second tower. My father ran... and along his way and elderly woman managed to slip and fall. My father took the time to stop help this lady to her feet and to an ATM doorway which would become their savior from the dust of death. He later explained that a walk to the Brooklyn Bridge would be his only way out. Once in Brooklyn drivers from New Jersey were donating rides home to those in need.
On campus we soon found out that cell phones were no longer reliable and we were not in contact with those we loved. A friend from high school found me on my college campus and offered a ride home to my family. Upon my drop off; my father ran from inside to give me a hug and kiss. My father continued to recite his story... as he narrated army jets flew over head. From the sound of the jetsl my father ducked in fear. This was the same sound as he witnessed from the downfall of the towers.
As a student at William Paterson University I was able to watch the towers be struck; and collapse. From my dorm room I witnessed America change. Since this time my father has passed away... but I know his efforts will not be lost... some where some one acknowledges the work my father has done.
My father has passed by now; but i remind you; we have many heros... be thankful for mankind...trust in me; I am your friend....

Peace to my friends... Peace to my own

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